Last week I published a video on unsafe contact lens materials, in response to viewers asking for safe TTDEye contact alternatives. Since then, I’ve received a few questions asking if Desio contacts are safe. A quick Google search revealed the package insert for their lenses, detailing the composition of their lenses.
The important stuff is on page 1, detailed below:

If you’ve watched my video on TTDEye alternatives, then you know polymacon is a big warning flag. This polymer was initially used in the 60s and 70s for soft contact lenses. However, decades later, scientists discovered that it caused hypoxia.
But what is it exactly?
To keep it simple, it means your cornea isn’t getting enough oxygen. Normally, your cornea obtains oxygen through air exposure. Placing something on top of it, such as a contact lens, prevents it from getting enough oxygen. As a result, hypoxia sets in, leading to a cascade of problems.
Here’s how it happens. First, the cornea reacts by building up lactic acid, drawing water to the cornea. This, in fact, is not a good thing, as it causes the cornea to swell, leading to edema. Most people experience this in the form of hazy vision, which is easy to ignore.
However, as the cornea swells, more serious symptoms that arise include:
- Eye redness
- General eye irritation
- Dry eye
Not exactly pleasant, as you can imagine. For people who choose to continue wearing contacts, however, prolonged hypoxia can lead to serious complications. That includes corneal perforation, microbial infection, a decrease in vision, and even blindness.
But wait, before you panic…
Wearing Desio contacts doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to go blind. Calm ye britches, as that is a rare complication, thankfully! Even people who wear contacts irresponsibly, such as plopping them in straight from the vial and wearing it overnight, usually don’t go blind, although it will probably cause some serious eye problems (like losing your cornea).
For most people, they’ll probably experience some eye discomfort and redness, if any side effects occur. That’s because other factors, such as your base curve, can influence the risk of side effects when wearing these contacts. If you wear contacts responsibly, i.e; remove them at the first sign of irritation, you’ll be in the clear. Desio even explicitly says this in their package insert.
So, rest assured, wearing these doesn’t mean you’re doomed to wear a surprisingly stylish eye patch for eternity.

On the contrary, you’re probably asking what is safe? Silicone hydrogels are a good bet, as they allow more oxygen permeability. On the downside, you won’t find as many cool lens colors, but it’s up to you to decide if that’s a deal breaker.